Wow, it's been a long time since I visited and opened my dashboard. I would like to apologize to all of you for having been absent for a long time. There's just too many work that I have to prioritize as well as events that I have to attend to.
I really miss writing in my blog but I decided to create another blog. A blog wherein I can write more about inspiration, encouragement, real life experiences and point of view, lessons after every failure, as well as fun moments with the people around. I'll add drawings, artworks or even comics as well as photo shoots during my travel and or places that can move you. I want to show it to you.
That's all for now. Thank you for your continuous support in my blog and for all your sweet drops. =) I greatly appreciate it.
Rob ;-)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It's been a long time
Labels: Thank youFriday, December 18, 2009
What is your Christmas Wishlist?
Labels: Christmas, EvenSeven days to go and its Christmas day. I hope everyone could have a happy and blessed holiday. As a Christmas wishlist, I won't ask for any material thing, I just want to wish happiness and good fortune for everyone and the forthcoming year will be a great year for all of us.
Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Received my payment from Odesk
Labels: My experienceI feel awesome today. Yesterday I was planning to withdraw my earnings in oDesk because I have no cash anymore. And it's impossible that I can borrow from my mother due to that she spent her remaining money. My salary can't make it either, so I have no other option left.
It's my first time that I got my payment in oDesk as well as loaded my payoneer debit mastercard. While preparing to load my card, I was frightened that I can't able to withdraw it because I forgot my pin code. Luckily, my guess is right and recently, I was able to redeemed it. I feel glad about it. Now I can present and prove to my sisters and mother that working as a freelancer in oDesk is really beneficial.
As an outcome my mother and my boyfriend borrowed a total of P 7k. I also treat them to Max's (well its our first time to be in there, I've already tried other food branches but not this one; Max's was opened three days ago here in Calapan City.) So many people are eating there.
My other sister said that she wants to work as a freelance too. But I don't think it will happen because we have only one computer. Maybe when I afford to buy my dreamed laptop, she can start working in oDesk. :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Eco-friendly gift idea this Christmas
Labels: eco-friendly, food, tiffin
Unlike other containers such as plastics, it is 100% BPA free (Bisphenol A, a toxic chemical used in plastics). You can guarantee food safety! Another thing is, Happy Tiffin's food stacking containers are absolutely portable. It was designed just for you and have considered your worries. Because its portable, you can easily store all your favorite foods/snacks, keeping it neatly and organized. You can conveniently use it at schools, office, picnics, campings, as well as when travelling. Will you believe me if I tell you that you can also put liquids in there such as water, soup, juices? Of course with Happy Tiffin, its possible! It is spill proof and waterlight. Very amazing indeed! ;> It keeps the container tightly lock and secure once set correctly, so there will be no leakage of food.
What's more cool is that, these tiffin tins are crafted to be versatile. You can bring them anywhere, carry it lightly, reheat your food on the stove top, oven toaster or to an open flame. But take note, these are NON-microwavable. You can also use these for storing a number of items such as art supplies, candies, nuts, and small trinkets. Great for camping trips, truly multipurpose!
And if you care for our Mother Earth, you would go to these kind of stuff. It's recycable and very reusable. You can save more and lessen your expenses. Plus, you can be protected from other harmful chemicals that other containers have.
If you're worrying about cleaning this container because you think its difficult, then knock it off! Stainless steel containers requires a little maintenance. So why worry?
Furthermore, you'll like the design and style because its available in vibrant colors and in various sizes that will truly suit your personality style. You'll not be left behind. Oh by the way, you might love its insulated tiffin bag. This bag can sustain the right temperature of your food, either hot or cold, you'll be able to taste your packed lunch at its best. ;-)
Take a look at these pictures and blogs from people who uses Happy Tiffin steel containers.
Interested now? Go get it here and express your love and outmost care to your beloved this Christmas.
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Friendster design
Labels: impressionI was surprise when I checked out my account. They also added new features. Yet I haven't tried any of them, I'm sooo busy these past few months. But I'm enjoying my work life now unlike before. ~(>o<)~
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another year for me
Labels: My experienceThrough her artistic visual ideas and creativity, I've had an enormous light of hope to move forward. I'm truly astound with her unique interpretations in every image she put into picture. As her creativity overflows, her artistic visuals helped me to become inspired again that made my feet move ahead.
Well after that, I've decided to learn adobe photoshop and put every pictures in fantasy and express my overflowing amazement. I'm aware that its difficult to master adobe photoshop but still it gave me lots of guts to continue. I told myself that I should gain any accomplishment that I can proud of before
When I was about to lose hope, slowly stressing out, I did see another light. A light which lead me to become an individual contractor, commonly known as a "freelancer". I signed up and gave my best in order to be hired to any jobs that I applied. It was truly a tough competition. There were tons of rejections but I didn't give up. Until I've finally landed to my first assignment which was blog commenting, making an account to some forums and sites, also link building. After gaining my first assignment, I received another job to work on.
I can say that, I've accomplished my goal. I was able to achieve something to be proud of before turning 23. :) I can't believe I finally done it! :D I'll continue and reach for my dream.
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