Seven days to go and its Christmas day. I hope everyone could have a happy and blessed holiday. As a Christmas wishlist, I won't ask for any material thing, I just want to wish happiness and good fortune for everyone and the forthcoming year will be a great year for all of us.
Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you
Friday, December 18, 2009
What is your Christmas Wishlist?
Labels: Christmas, EvenThursday, December 3, 2009
Received my payment from Odesk
Labels: My experienceI feel awesome today. Yesterday I was planning to withdraw my earnings in oDesk because I have no cash anymore. And it's impossible that I can borrow from my mother due to that she spent her remaining money. My salary can't make it either, so I have no other option left.
It's my first time that I got my payment in oDesk as well as loaded my payoneer debit mastercard. While preparing to load my card, I was frightened that I can't able to withdraw it because I forgot my pin code. Luckily, my guess is right and recently, I was able to redeemed it. I feel glad about it. Now I can present and prove to my sisters and mother that working as a freelancer in oDesk is really beneficial.
As an outcome my mother and my boyfriend borrowed a total of P 7k. I also treat them to Max's (well its our first time to be in there, I've already tried other food branches but not this one; Max's was opened three days ago here in Calapan City.) So many people are eating there.
My other sister said that she wants to work as a freelance too. But I don't think it will happen because we have only one computer. Maybe when I afford to buy my dreamed laptop, she can start working in oDesk. :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Eco-friendly gift idea this Christmas
Labels: eco-friendly, food, tiffin
Unlike other containers such as plastics, it is 100% BPA free (Bisphenol A, a toxic chemical used in plastics). You can guarantee food safety! Another thing is, Happy Tiffin's food stacking containers are absolutely portable. It was designed just for you and have considered your worries. Because its portable, you can easily store all your favorite foods/snacks, keeping it neatly and organized. You can conveniently use it at schools, office, picnics, campings, as well as when travelling. Will you believe me if I tell you that you can also put liquids in there such as water, soup, juices? Of course with Happy Tiffin, its possible! It is spill proof and waterlight. Very amazing indeed! ;> It keeps the container tightly lock and secure once set correctly, so there will be no leakage of food.
What's more cool is that, these tiffin tins are crafted to be versatile. You can bring them anywhere, carry it lightly, reheat your food on the stove top, oven toaster or to an open flame. But take note, these are NON-microwavable. You can also use these for storing a number of items such as art supplies, candies, nuts, and small trinkets. Great for camping trips, truly multipurpose!
And if you care for our Mother Earth, you would go to these kind of stuff. It's recycable and very reusable. You can save more and lessen your expenses. Plus, you can be protected from other harmful chemicals that other containers have.
If you're worrying about cleaning this container because you think its difficult, then knock it off! Stainless steel containers requires a little maintenance. So why worry?
Furthermore, you'll like the design and style because its available in vibrant colors and in various sizes that will truly suit your personality style. You'll not be left behind. Oh by the way, you might love its insulated tiffin bag. This bag can sustain the right temperature of your food, either hot or cold, you'll be able to taste your packed lunch at its best. ;-)
Take a look at these pictures and blogs from people who uses Happy Tiffin steel containers.
Interested now? Go get it here and express your love and outmost care to your beloved this Christmas.
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Monday, October 12, 2009
Friendster design
Labels: impressionI was surprise when I checked out my account. They also added new features. Yet I haven't tried any of them, I'm sooo busy these past few months. But I'm enjoying my work life now unlike before. ~(>o<)~
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another year for me
Labels: My experienceThrough her artistic visual ideas and creativity, I've had an enormous light of hope to move forward. I'm truly astound with her unique interpretations in every image she put into picture. As her creativity overflows, her artistic visuals helped me to become inspired again that made my feet move ahead.
Well after that, I've decided to learn adobe photoshop and put every pictures in fantasy and express my overflowing amazement. I'm aware that its difficult to master adobe photoshop but still it gave me lots of guts to continue. I told myself that I should gain any accomplishment that I can proud of before
When I was about to lose hope, slowly stressing out, I did see another light. A light which lead me to become an individual contractor, commonly known as a "freelancer". I signed up and gave my best in order to be hired to any jobs that I applied. It was truly a tough competition. There were tons of rejections but I didn't give up. Until I've finally landed to my first assignment which was blog commenting, making an account to some forums and sites, also link building. After gaining my first assignment, I received another job to work on.
I can say that, I've accomplished my goal. I was able to achieve something to be proud of before turning 23. :) I can't believe I finally done it! :D I'll continue and reach for my dream.
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Sunday, September 20, 2009
A reward for myself
Labels: stylish footwearHaving accomplishing all my recent assignments in oDesk, and able to receive good feedback from my buyers, I decided to reward myself. Last pay day, I bought 2 pair of flat shoes. That was the time that I was able to buy things for myself again. The last time that I bought something was five months ago. Well, I can't deny the fact that I'm very hard to pleased in terms of material things. I don't easily buy things even if I need it, I only buy something if it really suits my taste. =)
Here are the photos of my two pair of flat shoes that I bought recently.
The key to make a start
Of course, as a newbie provider, it's very difficult to get my first assignment. The competition is very tough, you'll have to compete to different kinds of people who are talented, skillful and those who already have a work history in providing services online. I wonder how can I make a start?
I've completed my profile and I've also taken the oDesk Readiness exam, I've wrote different cover letters and applied from different jobs posted there but then I only got rejections... Indeed it's kind of frustrating, that even if I know that I can do the job, I was often rejected. But somehow it doesn't motivate me to quit. I decided to try again. Besides, I'm just a newbie and I think its natural. All I need is to show them that I can also provide a good quality service and make them feel that I am reliable too.
Five days later, I've had my first assignment. Finally! I was exposed to link building and posting of relevant comments to several blog articles and forums. The task allowed me to demonstrate my key capabilities to my buyer. As an outcome, I have met her demands and expectations, also I was given a good score and feedback. Currently, I have a total of four work history in my profile, all were satisfied with the kind of service that I've provided them.
The key here to have a start in this career are:
* Dedication
* Patience
* Confidence
* Hard work
* and Positive attitude
If you have these keys, I'm sure its not also impossible for you to make a start.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 be a freelance provider
Labels: My experienceWhat I like about the government is that, there's no time pressure, no overloaded work and you can manage your time without hassle. However, having a lot of free time does not actually makes me really happy. On the other hand, it gives me can of worms. Especially, pay day, it takes three days up to one week to received my salary. And sometimes there are less work, its exhausting to be sitting the whole day and do nothing but to wait for calls, who has a problem with their computer or network connections. In fact, maybe I was the only one who's experiencing this dilemma because my two co-workers have part-time job and/or sidelines and I also want to experience that. I'm so envied! But I have no idea where to apply for part time jobs.
Then one time, while downloading drivers for the computer that I'm repairing, an employee from the other department came in the office. She was offering me a sideline job. She needs help in making a presentation to be used for the training she'll attend to and want me to make a design for the ID of the participants in the training. At first I'm not concerned to the payment, all I think about was the kind of job she wants me to do. Its kinda rush hour. After providing me the data that I need to make the presentation, I immediately worked on it. Then there were also times that I encountered problem when I was about to make a design. The two computers in the office were reformatted yesterday and some of its software apps were not yet installed. So, I hurriedly installed Adobe Photoshop and Digital Image Pro to the other computer. I have only one hour left to make the design yet I didn't panic maybe because I was already exposed to worked on a fast-paced projects. As a result, all that I have done made a good impression to the one who offered me a sideline. She really likes my work and as agreed, she gave me P200.00 for my accomplishment.
I feel great and satisfied with the pay because I've just made two slide presentation and a design for the ID. Through that sideline, it helps me enlightened with what I'm currently experiencing. This might be the answer to my prayers. It inspires me to have another job aside from my full time work. It will be a great experience for me and at the same time I can fully enhance my knowledge, and skills in various field of work.
As for my target to be my part time, I've done a lot of research about Home-based part time. The results had given me the idea to be a freelance provider. My co-worker referred me to apply in oDesk. So I give it a try.
I don't know what awaits me in the future as a freelance provider. But for now, I'm much focused in giving my best to deliver a good quality service online.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Living while making my life...
Labels: My experienceEvery new day is a new beginning of every opportunities, new challenges, new encounters. It is true that if we worked hard we can attain success. If we dream more, we can have the motivation to reach it even if we have to face difficulties. And if we take one more step to the path we chose, I believe that its the time we could finally make a start. Of course, we should carry tons of patience, hardwork and passion in our journey, so that if we stumble, we could stand up again even without a helping hand from a friend.
In our life, the reason why we can't move forward in our dreams is that we're frightened. We are afraid of failures, that's why we usually stop in the midst of our journey. Nonchalantly, we can forget where should we lead to, our dreams to make our life more abundant has been put aside. Until we've decided to stay from where we stood.
As I live my life, I often encountered ups and down. But despite all the difficulties, I can say that I really gained lessons which taught me and made me realized that I should move forward again. Honestly, I already forgot all my goals in life. All my promises and dreams were put aside. I haven't noticed that I'm so focused in my present relationship and it makes my life unbalanced.
Through God's love, I know and I truly believe that he's always guiding us. He helped me out and brought me to light once again. I was enlightened by his warmth that made me see again the path I'm currently into.
And now, I'm starting to step forward again. I'll never be afraid. I want to continue... I want to live and make a start in my life.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I'm so grateful!!!
Labels: entrecard
I'm very grateful! Thank you for always dropping here. I want to thank everyone who frequently visits blogitrob and most especially to my top ten entrecard droppers for the month of July 2009. I don't like to miss this opportunity and just ignored all of you who came all the way to leave me comments and messages in my shoutbox; who spend a little time to read my post and drops their card gently. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Living with a Purpose ☻ We will live to tell God's Amazing Grace ☻ Not John Cow ☻ Yashiro ☻Your Free Virus Removal ☻ Grouse and Badger ☻ Your Daily Word ☻ C'est La Vie ☻ Realising the Dream ☻ The crazy project
Friday, July 24, 2009
What I've learned in Doraemon
Labels: anime, My experienceAfter working in my full time job as a computer technician, I came home exhausted. I've got plenty of work during this day. So, I'm feeling very unwell, I have a sore throat, headache and I felt like burning. Maybe its due to the weather and the two air conditioner in the office. It was always set to full because of the six computer servers we maintained and monitored. Even if I wore a jacket, I'm still cold. I guess I was born having this kind of characteristics. I get cold easily.
I came home early than my mother and my sister again. But I'm not alone, my two little nephews are accompanying me. As we watched Boys over Flowers, one of my nephew accidentally broke a glass when he was about to drink an orange juice. The glass slipped off in his small hands. Oh well the floor was messed up with the broken pieces of glass and juice. I have no choice, I have to clean it. I didn't scolded him and said nothing. Because I know how it feels to be scolded and to be in that situation.
While picking up the pieces of the broken glass, I suddenly recalled my experience when I was young. I'm in the same situation like my little nephew. That time, I broke a large bowl of cooking pot (it was a glass-type). I accidentally dropped the pot when I was trying to get it out in the cabinet because I'm going to cook something. My father got frustrated and scolded me. He told me some foul words that really hurts my feeling. I want to cry that time but I stop myself. I felt annoyed.
That time I'm fond of watching the tv series of Doraemon. Who's not familiar of Doraemon? At some side, we consider it only for kids. Each episode has a different story and lesson we could gain. The most touching episode I've seen was, when Novita asked Doraemon to return in the past when he was still a baby who's not force to study too often, who only sleeps, and eats when hungry. For Novita, studying is very tiring, and that is somewhat makes him always got a low grade in school. He's the type of an easy-going kid, who's not interested in studying. Well, Doraemon as we all know, he's a cat, a robot who has a pocket that contains hi-tech gadgets. He is also a very helpful friend to Novita even if there were times that he was in trouble because of him. Then as the series goes on, He and Novita went in the past by using the time machine. He granted Novita's wish even if it troubles him. That time, Novita's grandmother was the one who took care of him. Being a baby made him very comfortable and made him happy because he was free from doing things. If he want to sleep, he'll sleep, if he want to play, he'll play without getting scolded by his mother. And if he want to eat he'll just eat. Yet there were also some things he misses to do. That is he can't able to drink a softdrink or eat "hopia" which he really like to eat. All he have to eat is milk. Indeed, that's a normal food for babies. I also recalled that there were some scenes that he asked his grandmother that he would like to drink a softdrink. Well what do you think is the reaction? hehe... By surprised, the old woman called Novita's mother. But then having a no choice for Novita, he quickly drink the milk before his mother arrive. Maybe he was scared that his mother and grandmother would find out something about him being a very weird baby. (^^,)
Then, there's also a scene that he broke something that was really important for his mother. I'm not sure if it's a plate or a vase. Her mother became furious and about to scold him. But the grandmother defend him and told her that she should be thankful because her son doesn't get injured. What's more important is his son than anything else. A plate or a vase is just a thing that can be replace anytime. (It was very well said!)
So that's why I became annoyed by my father when he scolded me that moment. Somehow, using the episode of Doraemon as my basis had put me in my curiousity. I do want to know if my father have realized it or had the idea of it. Even if he never watched that anime, he should know what's more important in this world. It hurt my feelings. But then maybe he knows it. He knows how to cure my wound. Whe he cooked a delicious snack for us, it made me forgot all the stabs and ache I got before. And every thing will be fine again.
Watching that kind of show is not bad at all. Besides, it was made for everyone, who believes that it trully can brought moral lesson and entertainment to all viewers.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Beat me @ OrangeShark
Labels: funstuff
Are you bored? Do you want something new? I can tell you a place where you can hang out with your friends and play with them. Don't worry its free to join! Yes, at you will find the best online games and millions of players all over the world to compete and chat with. You can also win badges and prizes when you play games. Challenge your friends and beat them up to gather tokens. You can also create your look-alike avatar. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
I aready joined yesterday and I find it interesting. Currently I won a badge that is - Brain IQ Brain Scan Badge. Its really fun! Join now, and beat me up if you can! (^^,)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Entre Droppers for JUNE 2009, Thank you!
Labels: entrecard
I want to thank the following listed below who keeps on supporting my blog through their sweet drops. Thank you!
Here are the list of my top ten entrecard droppers for the month of June 2009, thank you very much!
☺Living with Purpose "balancing your life"
☺Tycoon Blogger "blogging tips"
☺We live to tell God's Amazing Grace
☺Bloody Computer! "Computer help and advice in novice-friendly language"
☺Yashiro "life, family, journey"
☺My Ark Full of Worry-Free Thoughts 3.0 "no worries"
☺ "Father, Experiences, Success,Family life"
☺C'est La Vie "The blog of a full-time college student and single mother."
☺My Poem "Poetry"
☺money online "make money online"
Unexpected Answer
Yesterday I was having a chit-chat with my professor in college via yahoo messenger. Its been so long since we had a conversation. He is my professor in all my major subject. A quite silent and serious type, also, he is very fond of computer games and anime that's what I know about him.
While our conversation continues, there's one question that suddenly pop out to my mind. Its a question about relationship. Since its bothering me last month, I tried to asked him about it. Maybe I can get the answer or an idea that can make me satisfy. So, I asked for his opinion about:Is there a need for lovers to be parted for years? Its not because they have to end their relationship but its just that the other one needs to do it.
He replied me with "For me, relationship = commitment + responsibility". I was surprised. I do know that once you've entered in a relationship, there should be a commitment and responsibility because once you've loved, you should be serious in handling matters with the one you really love. There's no room for playing each people's heart because it can leave a mark if you've hurt one.
Well, the reason why I got surprised was because, his answer was unexpected. I never thought that he would give me such a reply which holds a deep meaning. Its so odd for a man to say a winsome answer. In fact that time I was expecting something, that after asking him he would just ignore it or will log-off. I'm impressed yet still looking for a different idea that will satisfy me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A different version
Labels: New RecipesEver since my father died, I've never had chance to eat such an appetizing dish. I was practiced to eat what my mother serves to us which on the other hand, has simple flavorings. My mother doesn't know how to cook because she grew up in a wealthy family. However, she's still trying her best just to make us food. And we really appreciate it.
I'm also the one in charge in preparing our food during dinner and weekends. They say, when you're cooking, you should do it from the bottom of your heart. Simply put love on what you're doing to make it delicious. So that the one who'll eat it will be delighted and have satisfaction.
I often applied that technique and it works really well. Yet there were also times that I can't cook properly and I mean it I'm not that good like my father.
At first, I thought I could never had a chance to taste again the foods that my father usually made for us. The incomparable flavors, the great blending of spices that makes it really special. A food that has full of love and is made just for you. It can give you more strength to accomplish something that you haven't fulfilled for that day. That's the taste of my father's unique love for us.
The day, when I've got this chance was when I came to my boyfriend's house to make our case study. His mother can cook scrumptious food like my late father. And because I am in charge in cooking, I decided to learn more with the help of my boyfriend's mother.
One of the dishes that I've learned to cook is Adobo. You know what Adobo is? Adobo is mainly the most popular and well-known traditional dish of the Filipinos. There are different version of Adobo, usually, meat is the main ingredient. However the one that I've tried to cook is Adobong Talong (Talong is a tagalog term for an eggplant). Indeed it taste really good. Do you want to try it?
Okay, you'll just need:
*4 pcs. of talong or eggplant
* slice onions
* slice garlic
* 4 tblsp. soy sauce
* 1/4 cup of vinegar
* cooked tofu
How to do it?
1. In a pan, put a small amount of oil (you just need to put a little portion of oil in the pan to avoid sticking) When the pan is hot, put the whole eggplant then cover it, cook it for 10 minutes or until it become cushy.
2. When the eggplant is cooked, put all the ingredients except the tofu. Mix it well and marinate it for 15 minutes. So that it become more tasty. Then after that simmer it for 10 minutes in a medium heat. Mix the cooked tofu and your done.
Hope you like it. =)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A picture of him (Father's Day Special)
Labels: Event, Happy Father's Day, My experienceCelebrating this kind of event would make us spend time preparing something special for our love ones. All the sweet gifts and ideas are present in our minds because we want to show how we cherish and love our father dearly. From the time our life come to existence, as we grow little by little, he is there to guide us in every way. Even though there were also times that he can't be present, but still he knows how to make us smile again.
It is indeed a sweet thing that you can cook for your father to celebrate the day. More importantly its great when you can able share again your smiles and your whole life with him one more time. As the days goes by, you can make many memories that you will treasure for a lifetime. Because you'll never know how long you can spend, being with him.
For past six years, I still have pictures of my father in mind and heart. I can still remember his face and the way he acts out as the head of the family. I can say that he is really the best father. He can do a mother job, he cooks delicious meals that can make us full and happy. He can wash clothes, wash dishes, clean the house, can fix our roof, and our faucet. He really is amazing!
I admired him very much. I love everything about him and the way he dresses. He was fashionable and stylistic. He never buys local brand of garments, whereas he's after with the quality. He likes action movies of Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Nicolas Cage, Tom Cruise and a lot more of Hollywood actors. He was also inclined in music and have collections of tapes of various group singers and band like, Beatles, Guns and Roses, Eagles, Carpenters, and others.
Every morning when he usually sweeps the floor, you could barely hear the sound of his collections making your heart beat clout. By nine or ten in the morning he was in the market buying ingredients for his specialties. He absolutely enjoys cooking. Just when he sees us eating happily makes him very enlighten and in bliss. He never ask in return. He's a very loving and sweet father and a husband to my mother.
If only I could spend another moment with him, I will surely give him my biggest hug full of love. Yet all I could do is greet him and pray for him.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thank you for the drop design
Labels: design, entrecard
I made these two designs of "thank you for the drop" just now. I've remembered that the month of MAY has ended already and its JUNE now. So, I want to dedicate this designs to all my droppers here in my blog. I am so much grateful and ashamed because I haven't given you an update often or a new post here in bLogitrob. I'm so busy with my current job so I haven't had the chance to report something new and interesting.
Now, I want to express my appreciation for those who keeps on dropping and visiting bLogitrob. Thank you!
Below are my top ten entrecard droppers for the month of MAY 2009, thank you very much!
Jean sQuared / Wirez and Circuitz /Yashiro / Did I miss something / Blogger Rise / The crazy project / We live to tell God's Amazing Grace / Klinika Kinetics / C'est La Vie / Buhilaman sa Bukid Malindang
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Fun stuff
Labels: funstuff, stress freeAre you familiar with the kisses that grows when you soak it into water for two days? If not, then I will share it to you, last month, my two nephews were holding a bottle full of water that contains tiny beads-like stuff. They told me that it grows when you put it there. I didn't gave it full attention but after a day, my mother also bought two packs of it but I wonder why? She told me the same thing that my two nephews told me before. She also added that she'll put it in a vase to decorate it in our house. It also can relieves stress and depression once you hold it. You'll surely love it and get attached to it.
These are the pictures of the tiny beads-like stuff after soaked in the water for three days, it looks like a zagu or a molded jelly.
Birthday cake
I'm so busy with my current job so I haven't had a time again to post here. As for today, I made a birthday cake. My boyfriend's mother have asked me to make her a cake and to teach her how to make it. Its so very embarrassing because, whenever I have to cook something for them, it usually turns not perfect. Maybe, I'm just always nervous. But I do hope that the cake I made will make a great impression.
I haven't captured any photo of the cake so you can't see it but I think, its presentation is quite yummy. Even so, I feel glad that I've done something for them. =D
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Birthday Thank You Card!
Labels: design, Event, My experienceLast night, I'm making a design of a birthday thank you card. It's a sideline offered to me by my boyfriend's aunt. She wants me to make a design for someone's Birthday and Christening. It was a very difficult task for me because its my second time making a design of birthday card. I don't know if she'll like my idea. I was also deciding what application should I use. Should I use Adobe Photoshop or Digital Image Pro? Because I really want to make my own creation using Adobe Photoshop but I'm not really familiar with its other great stuff, nonetheless, I'm very fond of using the fantastic brushes that I've downloaded a while ago. =D On the other hand, using digital image pro, I'm somehow, I know how to apply all the tools. So it will become easy for me to have the design.
So, while having a thought, I browse in the internet to get some artistic design that I could use to produce it. I took a picture of balloons, birthday cake, an angel, a gift, a tag, a stripe background and a picture of the celebrant.
I've made two different designs:
This morning, I presented it to my client. Unexpectedly she likes it both. My design gave her a great impression and excitement. So I feel great too! =D
Read more..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Addicted to...
Labels: anime, My experience, romanceLast week after having a hard time worrying about something that makes me too down for four days, a bit baffled yet in one single time my mood changes into normal. It was the help of Ms. Yoshiki Nakamura's manga - SKIP BEAT. Yey! Actually I never had the effort to read a manga before because I'm very lazy when it comes in reading manga (that's because I prefer watching..=P)yet suddenly it awakens again my addiction to anime. Weeee!!!! I never thought that I would dare to read the manga within five days chapters 1-139... whew! I became very excited and often craving for more chapters. Each chapter has 28-31 pages maximum, can you imagine that? I read the manga from 8pm to 3am, I became addicted to it. So, I got no proper sleep as of now but its okay! At least I am not feeling too pressured and bothersome until now. It really helps me to re-charge my confidence and cheerful mood.
Skip Beat has a unique blend of comedy, romance, and slice of life. It drives you crazy and in love everytime you read the manga or watches its video. All your worries will fade out I'm sure of it. (^^,)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Enjoying oneself
Labels: My experience, My factsIn our lives in order to survive from sadness and depression, we usually long for someone to be by our side. Someone who's ready to listen Like a small kid who wants to feel that we're not alone while we are in the midst of darkness and emptiness.
It's very tough for an individual not to express his/her true feelings especially when he/she is facing a big trouble or worries. They may think of some undesirable idea in order to escape from that pain. Some chooses to hide it, because they doesn't want others to be bothered. Yet in some part, its not a great idea.
It's undeniable that in every test or every problems occur in our daily lives, are totally difficult. Sadly, other people chooses to give up easily without even trying something just to overcome it. On the other hand, there are also people who can be considered as brave that can't be frightened or the ones who doesn't want to accept defeat. They'll fight til the end just to win the battle.
Facing problem is like facing in a battle or you can even describe it when you play games. There are different stages of complication. In every stage you have to fight with all your might in order to survive. If you're too weak, you'll only be eaten and lose. In contrast, you'll earn extra strength and will learn new strategy. If you're going to give up in the middle of the battle, then how can you overcome the next hard ship? Can you be able to win the fight? Can you finish the battle alive?
Just remember and keep in mind that you're not the only one who is having a difficult time in overcoming problems. Regardless of how difficult it is, we must not give up. If every decision we made fails, we should still stand up and start to create new strategy in order to win.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Special day for Mom
Labels: Event, Mother's Day
This Sunday, May 10, 2009 we'll be celebrating the Mother's day. A chance for all husband, and children to express his/her deepest gratitude to the woman whom we've shared our whole life. Since we were born, she is always there to give us comfort, a shield to protect us, a sweet hug to make us feel that we're not alone; a warm hand that's always ready to catch us when we fall; also our best friend whom we shared all our secrets because she's the one who can understands us more.
Now is the time that we should give back all the things she have done to us. Letting her know that you really love her and making her feel that she's very important to you, would be the best gift that you can give to her.
You could also date her everywhere as long as you spend time with her the whole time because I believe that..."Its not the material things that can make a person happy, its when you've given your time to that person."
Presence is important as well as your willingness to make her happy.
Well, Happy Mother's day to all!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
On and Off in blogging
Labels: Current issues, My experienceThe month of April has been a very busy month for me. Blessings came, and problems occurs. I've been working in my full time job as well as having my sideline job.
Two girls have asked for help in making their thesis in programming. As I was having conversation with them, I was thinking if I'll accept the offer. But then, they beg for mercy because they don't know what they'll do, on how they can pass their subject. I have felt their hardships and struggles, so I grab their offer. I also consider it as a blessing for me because I've no money anymore. Their proposal thesis is Grade Verification System. A system that has two users the faculty as admin (who can avail full access in the system) and the students (who have a limited account). They have given me a flowchart. It was very messy because they put many connectors on it and I've noticed that it has no security and back-up feature. I asked them if it has network but they said that it's just a stand alone system. So, I became very confused.
I have also shared this sideline to my friend who has a financial problem. He have shared his misery in his current job. His position is all around, if one staff is absent he will took charged of it. The salary is not suited, its not enough to support his family. So, I feel pity on him. Because of my desire to help him out in his problem, I've offered my sideline to him. But then, he told me that we could shared the work. I agreed with it. But it bugs me more when he said, "we could share the work". I can't explain it, but I'm sure he has a different version of that statement.
I could give my sideline to him because I know he really needs it. I asked him if he can do the job regarding the program even if he was not in good health, I want to assure it because I'm the one who interacted with the two girls. Yet, he would often say that he needs the requirements and the idea of the flow of the system and he will make it. He added also that I should make one too, so that if one fails to meet the deadline, we still have another program that can be presented to the girls. He often gave me a 50-50 answer, he was not sure if he can make the whole program. So to make sure, I decided to make my own system.
One afternoon, my friend and I meet again, I gave the flow and explain to him the details of the program. I also tried to suggest that we should divide the work however, nothing happens. My suggestion was to divide the work so that we have less work. The two of us will benefit and to avoid regrets in the end. On the other hand, he still insisted his suggestion because of the reason that he doesn't want me to affect his codes and flow of the program. He's so bombast! Then I suddenly remember that his health condition was not that good because of his job and his computer was not in good condition too. So, I became bothered that he can't finish the program. I have no choice but to make one whole furnish reliable program. So I became busy with it and that's why I've to skipped from blogging.
There's also a time that I reformatted the laptop in my office due to my flashdrive that my friend have borrowed. He returned it to me with free virus, I scan it on my sister's laptop - AVG, it detected 100+ worms... I got so irritated! It affected the laptop in our office that I used to make my program. The files? I have a back-up of it but I can't take the virus and the one who borrows. That day, I was losing my patience though I'm trying to understand him.
Back to the program, I have changed some flow in the program and added security and back-up feature. Before I've made it I have received their down payment, half of the payment, so I have nothing to worry. They get a copy of it to present to their adviser. Their adviser has always comments on it even if her comments were not that important. I've noticed that their adviser was just fooling them, because she'll give a comment then if I fixed it, she will then suggest to reinstate the function of the program. Huh!
We've done a lot of changes, changes that are not appropriate in the systems reliability, I have no choice but to follow. Yesterday, I've really finish the program. The two have agreed the flow and function of it. Before I got the full payment, I've told my friend that only one system would be chosen, what shall we do if we present our program to the girls and how's the payment? His idea was, when we are finish with our program we'll both present it to the girls and they will choose. huh! Though we can get half of the payment whoever system will be chosen. Another thing that bugs me was his program, I know it was very reliable and error-free but it contains virus. It will surely affect the presentation of the two girls if and only if they'll choose it. I felt very awkward that he can get P2,500.00, so I decided to make it P2,000.00 for him. My mind never gave me a relaxing thoughts, it bothers me more of my decision. I wondered that I also need money, and he could just have a P2,000.00 whatever happens. I became very mindful about it so I decided to let him borrow P2,000.00, even if he can't finish his system. He accept it.
Thinking made me very uncomfortable. I felt so unfair but there are debts that I have to pay. I started regretting...that I've made the decision of offering my friend a sideline and to my decisions made. Due to some reasons:
1. affected by financial problem because I lend him P2k then I was scolded by my mother because when she have known that I have a sideline, she expected that I will give her my payment in my debt to her. Yet, I have consumed the money and I didn't able pay her. =( I was also hoping that I could pay her too but it turned nothing! huh! It was I who suffered in the end.
2. having my eyes exposed in the computer - that was very daunting (I'm not allowed to abused my eyes but I still made it considering the thesis that I have to accomplish!)
But still I learned from it. I decided to limit my kindness and be more careful in making or choosing decisions. I also realized that I can't fixed everything. I should consider my self first and my needs before anything else.
I have so many things that I want to blog. I've missed lots of time to do it. I want to thank the visitors and droppers who still checks my page. Thank you!
By the way Manny Pacquiao is so great!!!! I've watched his fight, thank God he won! I knew it even before he was still on training! =D "Congratulations Manny Pacman Pacquiao"
My top 10 entrecard droppers (April 2009)
As for my readers and visitors, try checking these list of blogs, they have provided good information and tips in health, in blogging for new blogger, random thoughts in everyday life, free delicious recipes, and many more. I assure you it can satisfy you in reading, because of the knowledge you'll gain.
Read more..
Friday, May 1, 2009
Lahing Pinoy!
Labels: Current issues, EventOn Sunday morning, all Filipino's will be united again to support Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao. It is the day that Manny will going to have his battle with Ricky "Hitman" Hatton. The most awaited event of all Filipinos. Who's going to win? Everyone is excited, yet some are frightened. The great thing we could do, is to pray for the success of our Manny Pacquiao.
Last April 22, I've seen his latest music video - "Lahing Pinoy" composed by Mr. Lito Camo. It was well constructed; word for word. Every individual who will heard it, will be touched. The message of the song that constructed has a deep meaning to all Filipino. It is a great song indeed! The song was dedicated to all Filipinos by Manny Pacquiao.
Video Taken from Youtube (ggreggjr)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Labels: Current issues, David concert, EventAnd so, the Filipino fans are waiting for this concert. My sister would go for sure and buy ticket. She really likes David Cook and David Archuleta. During the competition, she was often watching American Idol and was very amaze with the voice of the two. I could say she's in love... in love in David's voice. =D
You can also apply for ticket reservation online
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mr. Bee fries reminds me of...
Labels: food, My experienceLast Monday, my boyfriend and I have bought meals from Jollibee for our lunch. We ordered 2 k2(2 pcs. burger steak, rice and reg. coke and 1 large rootbeer), 1 large french fries and 2 extra rice via phone call; it will be delivered to our office. We were really hungry that time because of the work load we have that day. When it was delivered, the french fries was in a paper bag and sealed with a tape, to maintain the crispness of the potato. When I've opened it, it emitted the great savor and freshness of the fries, then it reminds me of something. Something that happens long time ago that I also considered special.
When I tried to breath in the paper bag, it helps me enjoy playing back the memories I've had with my father. I recalled the day when we went to Jollibee in Malolos branch. I was small and young. Inside the Jollibee, the aroma of the french fries was there roaming around in the air. It was very delightful. Since then, I really like to eat french fries in Jollibee because it has a unique taste than an ordinary fries.
Even if I've forgotten about it, Mr Bee fries (french fries) helps me to remember it. And to that, I miss my father so much. (:|) My boyfriends says whenever he saw me breathing in and out in the paper bag, "I am like an addict, inhaling some kind of a drug." Though I can't resist the yummy savor of the fries. (;-p)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Summer fun at Aganhaw Beach Resort
Labels: Event, My experience, summerLast April 12, Easter Sunday, the whole family decided to go to the beach. My boyfriend and I were looking for a beach resort where we (the whole family) can spend our time there and have fun. We went to various beaches but its always full, so we went to Parang (a place here in Calapan City) where there are also some resorts. Good thing, we finally found the right place where we can enjoy.
We choose to spend our day at Aganhaw Beach Resort. The venue is very appealing and its really great for the family. It has an entrance fee of P20.00 per head,the small children are exclusive. The cottage is P375.00, there is no time limit. They also have play ground specially for kids, it's called Toy Land.
We enjoyed very well. Take a look at these photos,