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Saturday, January 31, 2009

How will I know other keyword's rate?


Nowadays, people are getting more into online business such as making money through the use of adsense. If you have web blog or own website that can provide lots of information to readers, and also can give entertainment, tutorial and fun to all the people who'll visit your page, then you can drive more traffic and that's the good thing on how you will increase your earnings with adsense.

In your adsense account in google, you have the option to choose whether your ads will be base on your blog's content or not. When you choose the "base on blog's content" you have to put labels, tags or keywords in every post you've made. Because in that keywords, the google adsense will check and find relevant ads that is related to your latest content.

If you're looking for highest paying keywords in adsense, you can search it in my blogitrob search engine. Or if you are looking for a tool that can show you the data about the rate of your keyword then you should check this out:

Go to my blogitrob search engine, type "Keyword Estimator" wait for the site to be fully loaded, then a list of result will be shown, if you see the "Google Adwords: Traffic Estimator" click it. Then you'll be directed to its page. It has steps and guidelines provided so you don't have to worry on how you will use it. The tool will show how many people are interested on that topic or keyword, it will also show the rate, estimated ad position, estimated cost per click (day), estimated cost per click (a week).

You better check your keyword now! It will help you increase your earnings in adsense.

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Market Opinions: 3 Ways to Maximizing Your Google Adsense Earnings


Market Opinions: 3 Ways to Maximizing Your Google Adsense Earnings

Posted using ShareThis

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Market Opinions: Monetizing Yahoo Answers


Market Opinions: Monetizing Yahoo Answers

Posted using ShareThis

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hair Makeover!


Have a new look this new year! Do you have a long hair, or a short hair, curly, or straight but doesn't look good on you? Because you don't know what hairstyle design that fits on you. Or are you bored with your everyday appearance whenever you're looking in the mirror yet the only person that you can see, is the same you, the same face, same style.

Now you don't have to worry that much. This year 2009, just try to makeover your hair. Put a style that you never have before, a hairstyle that can make you really beautiful and dazzling.

Why do we have to makeover our HAIR?

Indeed, the style in our hair affects our outside appearance, if you have the proper haircut, then you have no problem at all. But if you don't, maybe you'll get conscious every time you go outside to have fun with your friends or maybe you'll lock yourself in your room alone. Don't worry, there's still a light for you, don't lose hope! To avoid improper haircuts, I'll share this site to you --->
From that site you can get free advices and tips about choosing a haircut or hairstyle that will surely fit on you.

Get a new hairstyle design this new year!

Its year 2009 now, there's plenty of new style for you. New hairstyle design for women, men, kids, and teens. Just check out this site --->
the site gives great tips in designing your hair to turn out to be stylish and healthy. They also gives video tutorials, that you'll love.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

my Own Designz


Hi for this topic I will share my designs I've made using Adobe Photoshop. Since then I want to express my self, and thoughts in the field of art. I always admired those people who can make a fantastic design out of their imaginative minds. And so, for inspiration I've made some of my own designs. Hope you like it!

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Friday, January 2, 2009

pEncil SketCh


Today's topic is all about pencil sketch. As I have promised, I will post here some of my artworks here in blog-it rob. I've done a pencil sketch of my favorite pig character. I like pigs because they are cute, bubbly and squishy. The first anime that has a pig character that I have watched is Sunny Pig or the Tokyo Pig.

I watched it on GMA7 seven (7) years ago. That anime series can make you laugh because the characters were very funny, and weird. The pig there is so cute, especially when he dances and would kiss the forehead of the little boy (I've forgot the name of the main character) You can check its synopsis at

The second anime is in Clannad, the pet of Kyou. The pig's name is botan. Botan is a brown colored animal who always bawl the word "puhi".

These anime series inspire me to draw, and helps me to practice more.

Here are my artworks of different images of pig.

this image is the birthday pig, I made this when I celebrated my birthday.

this one is the
annoyed pig. I just got the idea when I was watching an anime series then I saw the annoying face of the character. I try it on to a pig and it looks good.

this one is the super pig or more likely the bully pig, who always want to beat other pigs.

this is a birthday gr
eeting pig. I used this when my friends had their birthday. I put this in their profile in friendster to greet them a happy birthday with a smile and a balloon.


this is a huge family of pigs. I make it more colorful and compact to each other to show the real meaning of "family".

I made this image when I miss someone special to me. A picture of a pig who wants to be hug by someone she loves.

this image shows so much affection.
A pig that is so much in love to someone that his eyes turn into heart shape and blushes.

this is a blogging pig. I used this image in my previous post.

this is a confuse pig, I also used this image in my previous post about my blog name.

this image shows
friendliness. I also used this image for greeting my friends.

a "thanks for the add" image, and the "thanks for viewing" image.

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