It's been one month since I started to become a freelance provider. After being inspired by someone who also enlightens me that I can do more, I became busier. Nonchalantly, I can say that I like my current timetable than before because even if I'm having sleepless nights, it's one reason that made my confidence boosts up and have free me from discouragements.
Of course, as a newbie provider, it's very difficult to get my first assignment. The competition is very tough, you'll have to compete to different kinds of people who are talented, skillful and those who already have a work history in providing services online. I wonder how can I make a start?
I've completed my profile and I've also taken the oDesk Readiness exam, I've wrote different cover letters and applied from different jobs posted there but then I only got rejections... Indeed it's kind of frustrating, that even if I know that I can do the job, I was often rejected. But somehow it doesn't motivate me to quit. I decided to try again. Besides, I'm just a newbie and I think its natural. All I need is to show them that I can also provide a good quality service and make them feel that I am reliable too.
Five days later, I've had my first assignment. Finally! I was exposed to link building and posting of relevant comments to several blog articles and forums. The task allowed me to demonstrate my key capabilities to my buyer. As an outcome, I have met her demands and expectations, also I was given a good score and feedback. Currently, I have a total of four work history in my profile, all were satisfied with the kind of service that I've provided them.
The key here to have a start in this career are:
* Dedication
* Patience
* Confidence
* Hard work
* and Positive attitude
If you have these keys, I'm sure its not also impossible for you to make a start.
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