The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Friday, December 18, 2009

What is your Christmas Wishlist?


Seven days to go and its Christmas day. I hope everyone could have a happy and blessed holiday. As a Christmas wishlist, I won't ask for any material thing, I just want to wish happiness and good fortune for everyone and the forthcoming year will be a great year for all of us.

Advance Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Received my payment from Odesk


I feel awesome today. Yesterday I was planning to withdraw my earnings in oDesk because I have no cash anymore. And it's impossible that I can borrow from my mother due to that she spent her remaining money. My salary can't make it either, so I have no other option left.

It's my first time that I got my payment in oDesk as well as loaded my payoneer debit mastercard. While preparing to load my card, I was frightened that I can't able to withdraw it because I forgot my pin code. Luckily, my guess is right and recently, I was able to redeemed it. I feel glad about it. Now I can present and prove to my sisters and mother that working as a freelancer in oDesk is really beneficial.

As an outcome my mother and my boyfriend borrowed a total of P 7k. I also treat them to Max's (well its our first time to be in there, I've already tried other food branches but not this one; Max's was opened three days ago here in Calapan City.) So many people are eating there.

My other sister said that she wants to work as a freelance too. But I don't think it will happen because we have only one computer. Maybe when I afford to buy my dreamed laptop, she can start working in oDesk. :)

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