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Monday, October 13, 2008

First time blogging


Indeed this is my first time making my own blog. A blog that can express myself through arts, literature, and photography. Undeniably, this is my long time plan, my friend insisted me to make one for myself but because of my work, I can't start my blog until I finally forget about this.

Last friday afternoon while comfortably sitting in the couch, I was watching my favorite anime series Blood + in Animax. It was a good episode! Of course, when the exciting scenes will be shown commercial breaks are on. Then it advertises the xxxHolic contest, it calls all bloggers in the Philippines. That was the time I was reminded of making my own blog. =D

I was thinking of trying to participate in that contest but I'm not expecting anything because of two reasons. First reason: I don't know how to make a blog, and how to design it. Second reason: I have not watched the first three episodes of xxxholic. which you'll have to give your opinions or thoughts in each episode. Aw!

But I'm glad because it reminded me of my long time plan of creating my own blog. Now, I can express and share my thoughts with everyone.



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