As I was browsing in some websites, looking for graphics that I can use for commenting to my friends list in my friendster, I've seen many cute and lovely graphics that really makes me yearning. I do not know who made these lovable graphics but I want to thank them for making it. I really love it. Thank you! It adds femininity and sweetness.
For more comment graphics just go to this site
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Its cute isn't it?
Labels: anime, comment graphics, designThursday, February 26, 2009
Are you ready to die for HIM?
Labels: Music ReviewI can say that my day is not complete when I can't able to play and hear my favorite music. Well if you'll ask me what genre of music that I like then I'll tell you. I'm a type of a person who can relax in a room, playing my collection of rock songs in a full loud volume. Yes! Whenever I felt lonely, depressed or mad, I just locked myself in a room and play my desired music. Then suddenly, all the bad feelings within me are fading slowly. It heals my wounded heart and soul. It can boost my inner strength, can make me whole again.
Last year, my boyfriend gave me a copy of the album of flyleaf. He told me that the vocalist has a terrific voice and that band is really awesome. He also told me that the band is the one who sung the soundtrack of Die Hard 4.0 The title of the song is "I'm so Sick" which in the end of the movie makes it very suited when the music started to play.

Another song of flyleaf band that I like is the one titled "Cassie". Have you heard it already? If not then you can go here to hear it. My curiosity overflows with this song by what it means. As I browse the interpretation of the song to Google, I've found out the answer in my question. Shockingly I never knew that the song is a true to life story. Actually, when I first heard the song, I admired the people who choose to die for what they believe in. The lyrics really revealed what happened and have shown how bold the victims are.
When flyleaf band had their concert, they have revealed the meaning of their song Cassie. According to them, it was a very tragic story. Cassie was a victim at Columbine High School Massacre. She was asked by the shooter if she believed in God, and she said yes. Even if she knows what will happen. She didn't die at the first shot but then she was asked again by the shooter with the same question, but she didn't changed her answer. The song was dedicated to Cassie and another victim Rachel because they stood up for what they believe in.
(Reference was taken from:
For me, they were both admirable because of their strong belief to God. Even if they know what will happen to them, they still hold on to what they really believe in. They didn't denied God but rather chose to die.
It's really a difficult decision for someone who have a little faith in God, and those who are not brave enough to stand out for Him. How about you, are you ready to die for Him?
This one is the same incident that God have experienced in saving us in our sins. Because of his love for us.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Running through the sunlit
Labels: My experience, sunset photosIt was overclouded that time, though we can see the sunlit between the clouds. The scenery were attractive and calm. We really have felt the peaceful surroundings and the enticing episode we've experienced.
Here are the photos that we have captured along our way:

Monday, February 23, 2009
Instant Millionare!
Labels: Current issues, superlottoIf it was me, then I will pay my family's debt, will put up a business, will share it to my siblings, other relatives, I will also share it to charities such as in the orphanage, home for the aged, more likely to those people in need. Yes, of course the rest of the money will be save for future plans.
Yes, I'm not selfish. I really want to give a hand to those people who are in need, and that's included in my dream. It's a great feeling if you could see the smiles of the people that you know you have done something good to them.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Who will hit the jackpot?
Labels: Current issues, superlottoAfter no one got the jackpot prize of P288 million, 6/49 super lotto draw last Thursday evening. It is expected that there will be thousands of people will headed to lotto outlets nationwide to test their luck in hitting the six digit combination.
The jackpot prize have reached to P330 million which is considered by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office as the biggest lottery jackpot in history.
However the jackpot amount may change depending on actual sales until 8:30pm tonight. A lot of Filipino people is asking the common question "Who's going to win tonight?" and for the Filipino gamers they have a common saying "I will win tonight!"
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Fact: NO one was born STUPID!
Labels: My factsWhile I was having a thought about my nephew's performance in his class, I came to realize that its truly a fact that no one was born stupid. I came up with that conclusion due to that, on my nephew's case, he often got low grades and his performance in class is not quite good. But when I started guiding him, gave him lectures about their lessons tackled the whole day, I've seen and proven that he can also passed his all subjects. Patience and devotion are the keys that will help us achieve our goals.
Some people believes that if a certain person is not smart enough to answer simple questions or they can't easily get the idea, they will simply consider him/her a dumb right away. But have you come up with the idea that we're not perfect at all. As a human being, its natural to us that sometimes we cannot give the right feedback to our colleagues, friends, or anyone whom we're communicating with due to interruptions. Some says that if both parents were less smart then their child may inherit it as well. Well, its not true. Even if parents were not too intelligent, that's not a basis that their child became dense. They are just lacking something.
No one was born stupid and I believe that. Human brains are not all the same. We have different characteristics and personalities. Some may have the ability to memorize and learn from what he/she just saw for just a short time. Some may not be a fast learner, but needs to develop and understand the things he/she wants to know in a slow process. Or even may take time to answer back. Some people lacks of nutritious foods that causes memory gaps.
And do you know that there is something within us that make us feel that we are left behind due to the attitude we have? Especially when we abuse it and practice it gradually. In lieu to that humans has a common attitude that can't be taken away that easily. I know all of us wants to have a better life, a life full of enjoyment, satisfaction, and to live without burden, struggles, and hard ships. We always wish that we can be able to live a good life, away from agonies and depression. We sometimes dreamed that we're just sitting in our favorite chair beside the window, taking a glimpse in the outside, seeing the beautiful scenery while listening to soft-mellow tune of music with our love ones. Its truly a pleasant feeling! Having those experiences seems relaxing. It's like that our other part will begin to tempt us to be like that forever saying "Let's do this tomorrow, and to the next day, and to the next next day...Don't go to your work. Don't go to school." Until we become lazy.
Being lazy can be harmful when it is practice daily. We can't recover from it easily because it can make us addictive and unproductive. It can also make us empty, fruitless or even left behind in terms of knowledge and skills when we let our selves be tempted to be in a room with nothing. So if we stay there, our life will not be progressive and we can't attain our goals.
One who haven't been able attend schools, because they can't afford to pay can learn various things from their environment. They can somehow learn how to survive through to their experiences encountered. Those who are an undergraduate does not means that they are dumb. They've just let them selves be eaten by their laziness, so they didn't make it except for those who can't be able to pursue their education due to financial problem.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
As nice as ever!
Labels: Event, My experienceValentine's day had passed and I can say that I'd spend the day well with my love ones. On that day, we went to the beach, we celebrated it there to make the day special for us. Its the first time that we went out. Along with my 2 little pamangkin, my mother, my sister and my boyfriend. In the afternoon, my sister's best friend came along with her pamangkin. Its so great that we once spend our time again.
We are reunited and I'm thankful for that. At first my plan is to walk only in the shore, having a moment with my bf. But I became envied when I saw my 2 pamangkin playing happily and enjoying the time while swimming together. Having attracted to the bluish color of the ocean, the peaceful surroundings, the melodious sound of the waves, it made me decided to swim with them.
As we walk in the shore, the atmosphere became odd. The clouds turned dark, the wind became strong, and the dark color reflected in the sea. Little by little the cold wind embrace me. Then, the rain pours slowly until it became strong. Its very a wonderful moment for me. I never considered it as a hindrance to my enjoyment and happiness, instead it made my day more special.
I was delighted that time, the rain showers me. Its one of my dreams, a dream that is fulfilled. A dream to be in the rain with my love ones. Because of the rain, it helped me to be a child for a while. I've felt and recalled my childhood memories, my treasured memories that kept in my heart.
A blessing from God and I'm grateful!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
She likes.... (What every girl really wants?)
Labels: Gift ideas, Happy Valentines 2009For all men around the world, here are some list that answers to your questions. "What every girl really wants this Valentine's day?" I've made a research to help you out in your problem. I know its a tough decision so what are you waiting for, check this out now!
You can shop online with these various gift ideas. A Spa experience
Every girl always wants to be beautiful in her beloved's eye. So why not give her a treat with this lovely spa. You can also join her to have this and enjoy the day together.
For more details in this spa experience check their site at
Excite her with this elegant and fantastic cherry blossom necklace by Kat Gee. This is every girls dreamed. It has a touch of beauty and femininity.
Get it for only $145.00 NZD
For more full info and other gorgeous collections of Kat Gee check their site at
Expensive or cheap, it has nothing to worry about. Because we girls, the only thing we really want is that you never forget to make us happy on that day. What we crave for is your sweetness and your ultimate love.
Get this Fresh Water Coin Pearl Earrings for only $35.00 You can also select various items at their site, they also offer necklaces, bracelets, and earrings for your love ones. Check it out now!
Indulge your love ones with these mouthwatering heart shaped chocolates from Choclatique. Flavors include Passion Fruit Caramel, Strawberries 'n Cream, Grand Marnier Truffle, Amaretto Latte, Minty Julep, Irish Cream Coffee and Gold Peppermint.
Get this for only $60.00 order now!
For more details just check their site at for more chocolate treat for your girlfriend, Mother, grandmother, sister, and wife? Then, check
"Send your loved one a gift they’ll love you for – gourmet chocolate! From romantic, handcrafted truffles to adorable chocolate frogs, there’s something for all your loved ones."18 inch soft white teddy bear
"Fresh all-natural chocolates from Vermont"
Order now! Only for a low price.Enjoy this luxurious opportunity to have this wonderful package for only $29.95 This White chocolate package includes
- Decorative red rose
- One sealed box of Russells Fine Chocolates
- A greeting card you create for that personal touch and sealed with a heart
- Beautiful Valentines gift bag with your teddy bear wrapped in delicate white tissue paper
Order Today - Ship For Valentines Day ( available at Checkout )
There are many packages that cuddle works can offer you. Just visit their site at
Bring back the lOve and fun!
For all mom's and dad's out there, especially those who were very engaged at their work. This Valentine's day, spend your time with your partner and take the opportunity to be with them. Don't let the chance be wasted. Celebrating the Valentine's day with your love ones only proves that they are vital to you. It also shows how much you love him/her, how happy or irritated you are during the time of your first meeting, how your love grows, how the two of you struggles and trying your best to build a happy family with morals and principles in life.
If you could still reminisce the old days filled with sweet, blissful, funny and romantic moments of your life, why not, do it with your partner? Bring back the fun by having a 2 or 3 days leave in your job. Have a solo vacation or family outing, bringing back the bonding. It's more comforting to have this idea, especially when you have still time to express your deep and powerful love to your partner.
Its more exciting and candied to have the celebration in these romantic and astounding spots:

A date in the corner of the island

A date at the roof top

Looking outside! Reminiscing the old days!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Valentine Ideas
Labels: Happy Valentines 2009Are you looking for Valentine gift ideas, cards, valentine graphics, love ideas, love horoscope, love quotes, and tips? If so, then you have to check these sites below:
Make your love ones fall in love with you many times, make him/her felt that she/he is really important to you.
Makinig at Kiligin!
Hi, because its already February, a month full of love, I will share to you this site that contains sets of music that can make you fall in love over and over again.
I've been listening always in Tonet's collection of sweet and lovely music. Just visit this site and be in love.
So Happy listening and enjoy! Happy Heart's Day in advance!
Month full of lOve!
Valentine's day is on the way, like Christmas day, we're all attach in celebrating this event. However, what we've felt during Christmas has a blend of mix emotions within. Valentine's day is all about love; a holiday for we have to express our inner feelings to the person or people we really treasured and cared for. I really considered this month - February as the month full of love! Because all of us will going to commemorate this festive and romantic episode of our life.
On February 14, which is the date of the said event, we never know who'll propose, or make a confession of his/her love to you. Who'll date you and will give you memories that would last. A moment that will make you have the "kilig" feeling.
On that day, everyone has the right to celebrate it even if he/she is single. Because heart's day is not only for the couples. There are many alternative activities that you can do if you're single. Don't consider yourself as loveless because there are still many people that loves you for who you are and were proud of you such as your parents, siblings, tita, tito, grandparents, your friends, cousins and most especially GOD. So make that day more meaningful! Just remember that you're the one who reacts and decides in every situations.
For this month of February, I'll feature out many related articles about Valentine's day from the sites I've found. Tips, and sweet gifts for your love ones. So Enjoy!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Labels: ptc scamHi there, Last week because of my friend's eagerness in making sidelines online, I got hooked in and have started to do PTC, PTR activity that my friend referred me. I was very excited to experience and receive my future earnings. So, within my one week clicking, reading ads and promoting the site, I was clueless that the site is included in the PTC scam list. I have known it just now, when I've tried to browse here ---> or search it through my blogitrob search engine then type "PTC SCAM".Most of the ptc, ptr players have became and experience being a victim of this scam sites. I'm still thankful because I've known this early. Thank you for my co-flixya friend. So if you are on these online business type, check first your PTC site you're into before signing up. It's really a great lesson for me.