I can say that my day is not complete when I can't able to play and hear my favorite music. Well if you'll ask me what genre of music that I like then I'll tell you. I'm a type of a person who can relax in a room, playing my collection of rock songs in a full loud volume. Yes! Whenever I felt lonely, depressed or mad, I just locked myself in a room and play my desired music. Then suddenly, all the bad feelings within me are fading slowly. It heals my wounded heart and soul. It can boost my inner strength, can make me whole again.
Last year, my boyfriend gave me a copy of the album of flyleaf. He told me that the vocalist has a terrific voice and that band is really awesome. He also told me that the band is the one who sung the soundtrack of Die Hard 4.0 The title of the song is "I'm so Sick" which in the end of the movie makes it very suited when the music started to play.

Another song of flyleaf band that I like is the one titled "Cassie". Have you heard it already? If not then you can go here to hear it. My curiosity overflows with this song by what it means. As I browse the interpretation of the song to Google, I've found out the answer in my question. Shockingly I never knew that the song is a true to life story. Actually, when I first heard the song, I admired the people who choose to die for what they believe in. The lyrics really revealed what happened and have shown how bold the victims are.
When flyleaf band had their concert, they have revealed the meaning of their song Cassie. According to them, it was a very tragic story. Cassie was a victim at Columbine High School Massacre. She was asked by the shooter if she believed in God, and she said yes. Even if she knows what will happen. She didn't die at the first shot but then she was asked again by the shooter with the same question, but she didn't changed her answer. The song was dedicated to Cassie and another victim Rachel because they stood up for what they believe in.
(Reference was taken from: http://www.lyricinterpretations.com/lookat.php/bands/Flyleaf/4dda4f6ca1b1aa1)
For me, they were both admirable because of their strong belief to God. Even if they know what will happen to them, they still hold on to what they really believe in. They didn't denied God but rather chose to die.
It's really a difficult decision for someone who have a little faith in God, and those who are not brave enough to stand out for Him. How about you, are you ready to die for Him?
This one is the same incident that God have experienced in saving us in our sins. Because of his love for us.
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