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Thursday, March 12, 2009

A blessing


Finally, I have received my two month- pay in my current job. I am very much thankful because I can now pay my debt to my mother and other unpaid bills from smartbro. Whew! God have granted my prayers. I also bought some groceries for my 2 nephews and for me.

I have promised that I will buy them a koko crunch when he could able to pass his three poor subjects.

I also bought them Nido 700g because they are too lazy and choosy when it comes to food. Mostly they never eat dinner when they don't like the dish and just asking for a glass of milk. I also bought two sachets of Choco Lava hehe...I'll just try it, 6 sachets of cream silk conditioner, sister napkin (you know, a girl thing), ponds toner, jergens lotion, and one pack of marshmallows.

These are my few treats for my love ones, as well as for myself. A blessings from God.



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