While checking my blog for some recent comments from my readers, I am very much surprised til now because of the award that I have received from Rhonb (aka Pinkoy). Obviously, its my first award and I'm very pleased to have it. Thank you so much!
Now, before I answer the award's question I will tell you my story on how I was hooked in blogging. It all started because of my importunate but helpful friend from college who made MAKING MONEY WITH SAMARITA.
After resigning from my first job due to health problems and stress, I really give my best just to recover myself back to being a lovely and charming girl full of courage. =D So, my friend advise me to make my own while waiting for a blessing from God. (*blessing = he was referring for the new opportunity that God will give me like opportunity to work again ;p) When I was just starting, I have many things that I want to post in my blog yet I don't know how and where will I start. I made a few research to get what I want to be the outcome of my blog. Every week I have one or two post, though I noticed that its incomplete. I have a blog and an interesting content but I have no visitors or readers unlike other blogs. Then I've decided to make my blog active to capture visitors as well as readers. I joined various sites that can drive more traffic to my site such as entrecard, mybloglog, topblogs, and many more. Slowly, it is now discovered by people around the world. Of course, there are times that I want to give up blogging, but still, I keep on trying.
So what is my reason why I love blogging?
In general,
Back to the Neno Award, here are the rules for this meaningful award:
+ I love blogging because I want to share and express my self to all people around the world about my life experiences, dreams, belief and everything that can help inspire and motivate every people who will read my blog. Also, it helps me to enhance my knowledge and meet new friends through blog hopping.
The aims of this award:
• As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
• To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
• Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
• Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
• Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
• Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
• Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
And I want to share this award to my consistent readers and visitors who never forget to drop by here. They deserve to receive this award because their blog is also one of a kind, check their link by clicking their names below. I'd like to thank you for expressing your throughts with me and for the support you have given. I greatly appreciate it!
For Everything, I Am Grateful!
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8 years ago
1 comment
Oh thank you for the award! I'll have to give some thought to this one.
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